Wow, where do I begin? I’ve been a chiropractor/fitness coach for over 35 years. My career has been extremely satisfying. As I rest at the edge of the beginning of the fourth and final quarter of my life, I find myself contemplating, “What next”. It has been common for me in my profession, as it may be in yours as well, to “re-invent” myself.
Often, that means developing a new service in my business, to keep things exciting and to help maintain a steady stream of income.
Though that is well and good, I find this whole re-inventing stuff somewhat fatiguing, if I may be honest (which I am indeed being throughout this blog or whatever you want to call it), at this point in my career I’m just tired. This new fatigue results in me leaning toward comfort, which I’ve always thought was a good goal in life. I now view this old goal differently. Though I believe comfort to be good and perhaps goal worthy. Now I see it as a deterrent or something that could take me off task of what God’s plan is for my life.
I love the platform that God has directed me toward in my career as a chiropractor/fitness coach. I have attempted to incorporate who I am as a Christian with what I do professionally. Unsurprisingly that has allowed me to operate and live in an area of great joy, which I believe is God’s plan for us. Unfortunately, the world attempts to block that type of operation. Not surprisingly, since we are not of this world.
About ten years ago, I was at a chiropractic convention, where the keynote speakers initial question to the doctors in the room was.
“When a new patient enters your office, do you have a plan?” Great question. As a clinician I understood the question, and of coarse I had a plan, although I understood the question at a different depth. My professional response to the question was obvious: discover the patient’s problem and plot a course of care. But here’s where the holy spirit comes in and puts a different spin. Above and beyond the duties of my profession, my hope is that God reveal to me where the new person in my life (in this case, my patient) is in there spiritual journey.
No, this is not where I steam roll them about Jesus, but this is where the process begins. This new insight helps discover how to pray for the individual. If they lean toward being a follower of Christ, a seeker of truth or someone who may not share my belief. Some of my chit chat with my new patients, delivered at the appropriate time, may sound like, “do you have a local church which you attend?” I find that to be a safe way of indirectly inviting the holy spirit into the conversation which I have or am going to have. What I understand is, my calling trumps my vocation. The challenge often lays with our approach as we prayerfully move toward an important directive of our faith, which is sharing our faith. I love the encouragement of sharing our faith which Peter offers us in 1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect.” You may not identify with being an evangelist, but we all still need to be prepared to give an answer.
My hope is to equip and encourage my fellow “followers of Christ” in sharing your faith and the truth about Jesus Christ our Lord and King.
Equip you to understand deeper as to who you are called to be as an Ambassador of Christ. Encourage you as fellow servants of God to walk out your faith with a purpose. God has given us a ministry of reconciliation. “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” 2 Corinthians 5:20. How’s that for something to consider as you come into a new season of self re-invention. Consider leaning into what God has planned for you to transform you into while your still on this side of Glory. Hope that’s not to much to unpack. I’m looking forward to sharing more as God continues to mold me as well. I appreciate you being on board.
Blessing till next time.
Dr. Tom